Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Some Stuff Just for Fun :)

     I was walking down the hallway today when some girl behind me started shouting at a chic named Carly...I looked in front of me to see if I knew who she was talking to, and realized that 3 of the girls directly in front of me were named Carly!  I did like a triple take; it was crazy.  I had no idea which one she was yelling at, and neither did they.
     The environment for this next story is a little odd, but I was sitting in a stall in the bathroom, when I heard a girl say to another one, "I actually don't know where my belly button is..." ???????? Is it not always on your belly???
     Me: "You are so alike to me." Neil: "It's cuz I so a-LIKE you." :)
     Fact of the day: If all of the Great Barrier Reef's main chunks were plucked from the sea and laid out to dry, it could cover all of New Jersey, with coral to spare.
Olivia :)

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