Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh, the Irony

I love irony. It cracks me up.  Especially irony in real life.  Like the guy who loved bears so much that he went to live with them, and then was eaten by one.  Or like in the book Into the Wild (true story), Chris McCandless donates $24,000 to a world-hunger-fighting organization then goes and dies of starvation.  Or the time when my seminary teacher asked who should take the keys to his house, me or my brother Tanner?  Every single kid said I should take them because I'm more responsible and remember things better.  Guess who left the key on the table?  Oh, the irony.  Or the time when I was deciding what to wear and had the specific thought that there was no chance I would see a certain person that day and then I met up with said person because we went to the same dang restaurant!  Is it karma or just a crazy coincidence? 
Also one of the hidden talents I have: I am great at biking no handed.  And I love pillows, sneezing, and strawberries with milk and sugar.

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