Thursday, March 1, 2012


Happy first day of March :)  In my incredibly simple mind, March-May is spring, June-August is summer, September-November is fall, and December-February is winter...which means now it's spring!  Just the other day I noticed daffodils shoots starting to pop up - love it.  Unfortunately with March comes the very slim chance that the future will bring any school cancellations or 2 hour delays, but I am okay with that!  Today I was feeling crummy and I walked outside and it was just so hard to keep being sad when the weather and the world were so sunny and beautiful!  Also, tomorrow and Saturday Neil and Grant are in a musical at their middle school (called "Once on this Island") and I'm so excited to see it! Neil has quite a big role as Papa Ge, the god of death (hehehe :) Maybe I'll post some pictures when it's all said and done.  Grant loves to sing the songs and do his choreography in the living room, but Neil just tells us repeatedly that he can't wait to be done having rehearsals everyday.  We're way proud of both of em.  

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