Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

The daylight savings switch couldn't have come at a better time!  The last few days have been do warm and beautiful!!  It's funny, come Monday morning all that the high schoolers could talk about was how INCREDIBLY tired they were because they got one less hour of sleep but yesterday evening it seemed like everyone was out doing something fun.  My family went to the park it our neighborhood and just hung out; it was so fun :)  We played basketball and kickball and swung on the swings.  Today was even more beautiful and all you heard at school was "Can we have class outside??" "It's so nice outside!!"  "Oh my gosh, I wish I was outside..."  I absolutely LOVE spring and the change of seasons.  When the daffodil shoots start to come up, my world couldn't be better :) 

1 comment:

  1. Lucky! We had a short little pseudo-spring, last week, but it snowed twice this weekend. :/
