Wednesday, July 4, 2012

High Adventure

High Adventure was a little while back but it was so fun!  All the girls 14-18 in my branch (church group) went for three days to Turkey Run State Park here in Indiana.  The first day we went on a 10 mile kayaking! I don't think you'll find anyone who thought that was easy.  The water was really low so we had to get out a bjillion times and push our kayaks, plus some people (my Dad, who went with us as a chaperone :) had their kayaks fill with water from leaks and they had to be emptied a bjillion times.  We were in swim suits so our legs were totally exposed and just waiting to get sunburned.  And they did.  Two weeks later, my legs are still peeling.  Some of us could hardly walk that night our thighs were so burnt - and of course it was the one time that I actually put sunscreen on my legs.  Right after we finished there was a giant storm so we had to set up our tents in the rain - NOT something I recommend trying.  But by that night it was clear and we slept well...except that we had a few little critter friends.  They told us a thousand time to take ALL our food out of our tents and put it in the cars, but one of my friends forgot that her leftover lunch was in her backpack.  A raccoon got into their tent, into her backpack, and ate all the food.  And just before I went to bed, a leader and I saw a skunk just about a yard away from us.  This was much more of an adventure than I thought it would be!  The second day we went hiking and it was beautiful!!  We had fun climbing all kinds of rock formations and bridges and stuff.  It was so funny, all the men that chaperoned had to point out all the ways girl camping was different from boy camping.  For example, all the girls showered regularly, all the food was organized in tubs by day, at nights we just sat around and talked for hours, and we started fires with tampons.  We know all the men had a good time, even when they mocked us about our laminated meal list ;)  The third day we went horseback riding...which was more like just a chill ride on horses through the woods.  The excitement level wasn't too high but we still had a good time :)  

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