Monday, October 10, 2011

Silly Facebook Posts

I'm convinced these will only be amusing for the teenagers out there, seeing as these are universal teenage thoughts/attitudes :)

Okay I'm going to bed at 10...10:30...11...11:30...12....12:30........
Awkwardly trying to run with a backpack
I am not getting out of this bed, it's warm and it loves me
Dear Skittles, how can you taste the rainbow if there isn't a blue one??
"Quiet there's a tornado drill!!" Why, is the tornado going to hear us?
Good grades, enough sleep, a social life...pick two
Yes I dip my french fries in my frosty and no it's not gross
Wearing a hoodie when you feel crummy
Dear Teacher, I talk to everyone. Moving my seat won't help
Police call it reckless driving. We call it skills
"Good morning" texts from the person you were texting the night before
Good friends don't let you do stupid things...alone
Can you shut my door please? sure! *leaves door cracked*
Saving a file as dhjdhwekj because I don't want to type a proper name
Dear Pringles, I cannot fit my hand inside your tube of deliciousness
I put my iPod on shuffle then skip every song
I am willing to risk getting salmonella to eat raw cookie dough
that split second of fear when you lean back in your chair too far
I have dropped my phone on my face while lying down texting
"Mom ,we don't have any food!" Yes we do!" "Not any good food!!!"
Anyone noticed that "studying" is like "student" and "dying" put together?
When I'm sad I like to cut myself...a piece of chocolate cake

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